16 months old today
Sam is full of energy...the proverbial "bull in a china shop." Sam can climb up on chairs and push chairs around the kitchen now. Nothing is safe any longer.
He's all over everything we don't want him to touch: plugs, lamps, fragiles, electronics. He is saying a few words and repeating simple phrases. He takes great glee in turning the TV on and off (many times per second!) while his sister is trying to watch a show.
These pictures are from our camping trip to Rocky Gap State Park near Cumberland, Maryland, USA. Click on pictures to see larger version.
We're nearing the one year mark since Sam's VSD surgery, August 10th, 2005. How do you celebrate or commemorate such a life-changing event?
We watched a movie tonight called "Something the Lord Made." It tells the story of the ground-breaking research and maturation of the field of cardiac surgery performed at Johns Hopkins, where Sam had his operation. The research work performed by Dr. Alfred Blalock and his research assistant Vivien Thomas centered around finding a surgical methodology to repair heart defects in so-called "blue babies". I highly recommend this movie. The movie also delves into racial issues of the times.
Sam is full of energy...the proverbial "bull in a china shop." Sam can climb up on chairs and push chairs around the kitchen now. Nothing is safe any longer.

He's all over everything we don't want him to touch: plugs, lamps, fragiles, electronics. He is saying a few words and repeating simple phrases. He takes great glee in turning the TV on and off (many times per second!) while his sister is trying to watch a show.
These pictures are from our camping trip to Rocky Gap State Park near Cumberland, Maryland, USA. Click on pictures to see larger version.
We're nearing the one year mark since Sam's VSD surgery, August 10th, 2005. How do you celebrate or commemorate such a life-changing event?

We watched a movie tonight called "Something the Lord Made." It tells the story of the ground-breaking research and maturation of the field of cardiac surgery performed at Johns Hopkins, where Sam had his operation. The research work performed by Dr. Alfred Blalock and his research assistant Vivien Thomas centered around finding a surgical methodology to repair heart defects in so-called "blue babies". I highly recommend this movie. The movie also delves into racial issues of the times.