Eleven weeks old:Update on previous entry-- Sam had a terrible cough for a few days and got blow-by albuterol and pulmicort nebulizer treatments for a few days. He's fine now-- back to his usual self.
Sam is able to roll over about 3/4 of the way. Once he figures out how to get his arm out of the way, he'll be all the way over.
Sam had another echocardiogram (doppler type) at Johns Hopkins today. He was anesthetised (orally) for the test-- went down for about 45 minutes into a nice nap. The VSD is still there and termed "large" while the ASD is termed "tiny". Our cardiologist was in Western Maryland today, so we'll talk to her early next week about results and what the next plan is. After a short recovery period and feeding frenzy (Sam was off food since 0820, so was very hungry after 4-5 hours of no food), we went over to the pediatrics surgical ICU and got a very informative personal tour by nurse Amy. We got a good idea what to expect on the day of surgery and back at ICU with progress points necessary to move to the next stage... (like breathing tube out, stable blood tests, pulse, electrolytes, etc.) Sam will most likely be 1-2 days in ICU before heading to a regular room.